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Missie Boerderij van Nambikay
‘Nambikay’ betekent in het Tamil hoop. Boerderij van Nambikay wil bijdragen aan een hoopvolle toekomst van mensen in het door oorlog getroffen Sri Lanka.

De missie van Boerderij van Nambikay is
bijdragen aan het herstel en de heelheid van de door oorlog en/of armoede getroffen mensen en samenleving in Sri Lanka en het delen van Gods liefde

Doelstellingen Boerderij van Nambikay
Deze missie wil Boerderij van Nambikay vormgeven in de periode 2014 – 2017 door de volgende operationele doelen:

1. het opzetten en beheren van een professionele en innovatieve kleinschalige boerderij
2. het creëren van werk- en leerervaringsplaatsen op deze boerderij
3. inclusie van mensen met een beperking op de boerderij
4. 50% van de opbrengsten van de boerderij in een fonds onderbrengen
5. dit fonds te gebruiken om kleinschalige projecten in de omgeving te initiëren en/of te ondersteunen
6. onderzoeken of dit in samenwerking met de Grace Community Churches kan
7. Deze operationele doelen geven vorm aan de strategische doelen van Boerderij van Nambikay. De strategische doelen zijn:

  • een bijdrage leveren aan de sociale en economische ontwikkeling in de provincie Mannar
  • een voorbeeld en inspiratie zijn voor de boeren in de omgeving
  • Christelijke naastenliefde in praktijk brengen
  • de Grace Community Churches versterken in hun missie

Boerderij van Nambikay heeft een christelijke identiteit en is gebaseerd op Bijbelse waarden als hoop, genade, liefde, geloof, rechtvaardigheid, mededogen en de uniciteit van elk mens.

Overall Objective
To contribute to the restoration and wholeness of man and society in northern and eastern Sri Lanka.

Project Purpose
To have a profitable farm by end 2017, with 24 cows near the Giants Tank in northern Sri Lanka, where 50% of the profit will be utilised for supporting small scale projects in cooperation with the Grace Community Churches and by that support the local reformed churches in their mission.

Programme results
Aimed Results:

A dairy farm with 24 cows has been set up and is running.
50% of the profit of Farm of Nambikay has benefited small scale projects in the area (e.g. scholarships to underprivileged youth for secondary school, vocational education or university, credit in the form of a cow to a widows group, funding of drama -, music – and sport / game workshops for schoolchildren).
Cooperation has been set up with the Grace Community Churches and locally these churches are co-responsible for the management of the profit for small scale projects.
Local reformed churches are strengthened in their vision and mission
To provide to adults and youth a learning environment (internships) and provide jobs.
Project phasing.
The Farm of Nambikay project has for now three phases and encompass a five year period. The first phase has most details filled in and we are working towards more specifics for the next phase.

1st Phase October 2012 – December 2013
Setting up and starting up Farm of Nambikay.

Land is suitable and ready for dairy farm by end March 2013 (including buildings, constructions and materials)
Land clearing, filling, irrigation channels and planting CO3 grass
Fencing land
Shed constructed with interior and materials
Tube well constructed
Landmaster purchased
Temporary shelter and latrine for worker and his family
10 cows are giving milk which is sold to chilling station by end December 2013
Contact with chilling station established
Milk cooling tank purchased
Arrangement and agreement with Veterinary Department for purchasing ten cows in two batches and to follow up the health of the cows
Additional training for worker on dairy farming techniques
Grace Community Churches are getting involved
Meetings with Grace Community Churches regarding the project
Discussions on future agreement regarding the project

2nd Phase January 2014 – December 2015
Consolidating Farm of Nambikay and 50% of profit utilised to fund small-scale projects

20 Cows are giving milk which is sold to chilling station by end December 2015
Additional training for worker on farming techniques
Purchasing again ten cows in two batches and to follow up the health of the cow
Small-scale projects are funded
Develop together with committee of Grace Community Churches guidelines for selecting, funding, monitoring and evaluating small-scale projects.
Inventarise and select small-scale projects together with committee of Grace Community Churches
Funding and monitoring small-scale projects

3rd Phase January 2016 – December 2017
Research opportunities to expand in the field of processing and products, cooperation partners (eg training schools, organic farmers worldwide).